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Audiological and Medical Links
General - http://www.enable.net.au
- EnableNet
is a Disability Portal created and maintained by the Disability
Information and Resource Centre (DIRC). It is the one-stop-site on the
Internet for information on all aspects of disability. Structured in a
clear, reasonable and consistent way to ensure that you can find the
information you want with minimum difficulty. Many international sites
are mentioned for a broader spectrum.
- http://www.irsc.org/
- Internet
Resources for Special Children (IRSC) web site. The IRSC web site is
dedicated to children with disabilities and other health related
disorders worldwide. Our mission is to improve the lives of these
children. Provides valuable information to parents, caregivers, family
members, friends, educators and medical professionals who provide them
services and support.
- http://www.medbioworld.com/med/journals/oto.html
- The
largest Web site for access to medical and bioscience journals,
associations, and databases with more than 22,000 active links. We are
the successor to a prior site known as "Sciencekomm" that was operated
from Vienna, Austria. The owner of the site is a US company called
Medbioworld, Inc., based in Princeton, New Jersey. As its head, I have
been in the medical & technical publishing field for over thirty
years, and am a graduate of Princeton University and its Woodrow Wilson
School of Public & International Affairs with a degree in economics
and science policy. Through other companies I have published more than a
dozen reference books in different fields of medicine.
- http://www.babyhearing.org/
Hearing Loss and Balance Disorders - http://www.betterhearing.org/hearing_loss/
- The
Better Hearing Institute is a not-for-profit corporation which was
created over 30 years ago to promote hearing healthcare across the
United States. The organization is jointly funded by the manufacturers
and suppliers who comprise the hearing industry in the U.S. BHI has
operated a call center where consumers could ask questions about hearing
loss, and the organization has distributed helpful brochures about
specific subjects that were important to consumers.
- http://www.hyperacusis.net/
- Hyperacusis
Network consists of individuals who have a collapsed tolerance to
sound. As a network we have a common goal - to share information and
support each other.
- http://oto.wustl.edu/men/
- The
Ménière's Page. Maintained by: Alec N. Salt, Ph.D. The Department of
Otolaryngology Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis,
Missouri, USA
- http://www.vestibular.org/
is a nonprofit organization that provides information to the public and
health professionals about inner-ear balance disorders such as
Ménière's disease, BPPV, and labyrinthitis. Symptoms of vestibular
impairment may include dizziness, imbalance, vertigo, nausea, and fuzzy
vision, and may be accompanied by hearing problems, fatigue, and changes
in cognitive functioning. VEDA offers education and support through its
books, videos, resource lists, explanatory publications, and membership
Tinnitus - http://www.ata.org/
- The
American Tinnitus Association is a national nonprofit organization
dedicated to advancing tinnitus research and educating patients and
professionals through conferences, books, brochures, videos, and the
quarterly journal Tinnitus Today.
- http://www.ohsu.edu/ohrc/tinnitusclinic/
- The
OHSU Tinnitus Clinic, established by The Oregon Hearing Research Center
at Oregon Health Sciences University, was the first medical clinic
devoted exclusively to the treatment of tinnitus. A model that others
have followed, the Tinnitus Clinic helps patients from all around the
world and also serves as a training facility for health care
- http://www.tinn.com/
- Well,
let me tell you something. I know what it's like not to be able to fall
asleep at night because of the noise of a jet turbine in my head. I've
been there.
- http://www.representatives.com/tinnitus.html
- Chat room for those people who need support in relations to tinnitus.
- http://www.kadis.com/ta/tinnitus.htm
- The
Tinnitus Association of Canada is a non-profit organization, operated
on a voluntary basis by people who have tinnitus. We have searched out
practical information on ways of reducing the distress of chronic head
and ear noises and we want to share what we have found with others.
- http://www.eskimo.com/~carol/T.html
- Some
of the best help comes from other people who've been there.These pages
are an attempt to aid online communication between people with tinnitus.
They're oriented to English-speakers, though I have listed some German-
and French- language tinnitus resources.
- http://www.tinnitus.org/home/frame/THC1.htm
- This site is all about tinnitus (and hyperacusis) retraining therapy (TRT).